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The Post-Success Letters

Join thousands every Saturday morning reading The Post-Success Letters. Thoughts and advice for the highly successful looking to find joy and purpose again.

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Hi I’m Joseph

I’m probably like you. I’ve built many companies, made millions, lost some and made more. Over time I had completely lost the ability to know what I enjoyed due to the constant pursuit of success and profits.

The Post-Success Letters are a project I started for myself to help with my compulsive need to make money, be successful and essentially give up what was important to me in the short run for what I wanted in the long run.

It is a constant work in progress and I hope my journaling each week will be beneficial to you.

I hope you enjoy!

~ Joseph

Previous letters:

Running 40 Miles on Broken Feet

Happy Saturday :), It’s 2:20 AM. I’m camping in the Mataqua mountains, and I can’t sleep. I’m going to start the longest run I’ve ever attempted in 10 minutes, and frankly, I have a mix of excitement and worry that I’m not strong enough to finish it. I’ve always wanted to run my age but have never gotten around to it until now. I’m turning 40, and now seems like a better time than any to attempt a straight run until my watch matches my age. After some stretching, I take off, and gratefully it’s a full moon. I’m ableContinue readingRunning 40 Miles on Broken Feet

It’s Never a HELL YEAH

Hello my friend! I bet you’ve heard: “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no”.  I first heard this 10 years ago from Tim Ferris. The idea is that when you’re investigating a path forward in life/business etc. approach the decision being made based on your feeling of “hell yeah” or “hell no”. It’s not a bad idea right? Who wants to pursue something they aren’t very passionate about. Or even worse something they only are doing for financial gain vs. enjoyment. Here’s the other side of the coin though. Everything worthwhile is usually not a massive “HellContinue readingIt’s Never a HELL YEAH

9 Things that Force a Good Day Every Day

Hey there! Often I hear “It’s been a bad day” Rubbish. Just kidding I know there can be valid bad days but I rarely have them. Why? I’m a big believer in having daily habits that enhance vs. detract from life. More often than not we kind of just let life happen and habits form on a whim. No decisions made or planning just waking up and realizing coffee every morning is a thing and not sure when it even started. I’m not saying coffee every morning is a bad habit but I bet it’s a habit that wasn’t approachedContinue reading9 Things that Force a Good Day Every Day

Holding your Pee and Neural Pathways

I had to drive north today to drop my daughter off at the family reunion a few days before I can join everyone. As long car trips go there were a lot of stops for gas and bathroom breaks. During a particular long stretch there was a pretty long time before we could get to another bathroom. Both of us had to pee but it was one of those “I can hold it until the next exits” kind of urges. Finally we reached the exit where a familiar gas station was.  You ever notice how when you get closer toContinue readingHolding your Pee and Neural Pathways

Staying present contributed most to my net worth and happiness

I’ve worked for myself since I was 16 years old. I wish I could say I was some kind of genius or child prodigy, but the truth is, I couldn’t afford car insurance and gas just to get to my job at a grocery store in Kingman, Arizona. While still working 8 hours a day pushing carts, I started a business painting windows for Christmas, which grew into cleaning windows once per month for multiple businesses. A lot has changed from 16 to 40 years old, but one mainstay of my wealth and happiness has been a simple principle IContinue readingStaying present contributed most to my net worth and happiness

I made $6,000 Per Month as a 16 Year Old

When I turned 16, I took two jobs. One was at a local grocery store from around 7 am to 3 pm, and the other was at Taco Bell from 4 pm until closing.   I was able to work these long hours since I was homeschooled, and as long as I kept up, my parents weren’t concerned about my long working hours.   However, my body didn’t like the lack of sleep or the long work hours, and after three months, I promptly had a massive breakdown. Initially, I quit my job at Taco Bell, but I knew workingContinue readingI made $6,000 Per Month as a 16 Year Old

What if I Paid you $1,000,000 for a Piece of Gravel?

I had a thought today while driving. What if 1 piece of gravel was worth $1,000,000. All you had to do was find in a pile of rocks? I’m sure the first question you have is how many rocks are already in the pile. Well I’ll respond with another question: Does is Matter? I’ve started a lot of businesses. Window Cleaning, Coupon Magazines, App and Web, Accounting, Janitorial, Products, Digital Products… I could go on for a while. I’ve had 2 out of a lot of business make me good money. Only two. The rest either failed miserably or brokeContinue readingWhat if I Paid you $1,000,000 for a Piece of Gravel?

The Time I Lost Some Toes to Frostbite

In late September of 2019 I found myself knee deep in snow at the summit of one of the tallest mountains in Lake Tahoe. It was the world championships for the death race (now known as Spartan) and here I was running towards a glacial lake, ice broken inviting me to my death. OK maybe that’s a little exaggeration about my death but I found out later that over 70% of the 2,000 qualified racers had to be medically pulled from the race from hypothermia. The race was a total of 17 miles with 10,000 feet of elevation gain. AdditionallyContinue readingThe Time I Lost Some Toes to Frostbite